mirafootball.site is an Internet Service Provider offering a platform that merely displays links to audiovisual content located on servers of third parties and provided and/or transmitted by third parties. mirafootball.site does not host nor transmit any audiovisual content itself and does not control nor influence such content. mirafootball.site cannot accept any liability for the content transmitted by others. Any responsibility for this content lies with those who host or transmit it.

 Of course, mirafootball.site is concerned about allegations that illegal content is made available on the websites to which hyperlinks on its website direct. Although mirafootball.site cannot actively monitor the content which is transmitted via third-party websites, it is willing to take action in removing links to illegal content upon obtaining proper notice thereof. mirafootball.site will remove links to illegal content from its website expeditiously; however, it cannot prevent that links are replaced by visitors of its website. To prevent a link from being replaced again after being removed by mirafootball.site, we advise you to contact the owner of the website where the content originates from. 

 If you have discovered or will discover in the future any links to illegal content, a notice can be submitted to the e-mail or physical address listed below. The notice must contain at least the following information

: 1. **Identity of the content** that you claim to be illegal and the grounds for the illegality. Examples of illegal content include, but are not limited to: - Offensive, slanderous, or abusive language - Unlawful publications - Infringement of privacy or moral rights - Misleading or unlawful advertising - Infringement of intellectual property rights - Transmission of trade secrets, know-how, or otherwise secret information - Sexual or child-abusive content or otherwise illegal material
2. **Identification of the location** of the content that you claim to be illegal, including at a minimum: - The exact **URL of the webpage** where the content is found - The **date and time** when you identified the alleged illegal content- A **screenshot** of the webpage displaying the alleged illegal content
3. **Identification of the location of the link** to the content that you claim to be illegal, including: - The exact **URL of the webpage** on which the link is displayed. - The **date and time** when you identified the link to the alleged illegal content
4. **Your contact information**, including: - Full **name** - **Street or mailing address** - **Telephone number** - **E-mail address**
5. **A formal declaration stating that:** - You have a **good faith belief** that the disputed use of the content is not authorized by the owner or its agent.
 - The disputed use is **not permitted by law**, e.g., under applicable copyright laws.
 - You have attempted to **contact the owner** of the website hosting the content, or if not possible, provide a reason why you were unable to do so.
 - The information provided in the notification is **accurate**, and under penalty of perjury, you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed. 
 - You **indemnify mirafootball.site**, all its affiliates, and its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and successors from any and all claims, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees), damages, penalties, and liabilities incurred by mirafootball.site as a result of the notice.
 - You **agree that the notice** and any disputes arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by the laws of Australia and that any dispute shall be exclusively resolved before the competent court at the courts of Sydney, Australia.

 Upon receipt of a notice that complies with the procedures set forth above, mirafootball.site will promptly review the request and, if valid, remove the identified link from its website. To be effective, notices must be addressed and delivered to mirafootball.site as follows: 

 **Contact Information:**
 16b Lander Avenue sydney, Australia, 2248
 Email: monkeycatniyande@gmail.com

We at mirafootball.site have worked hard to establish procedures that ensure compliance with the laws of Australia and that generate a prompt and accurate response to all complaints received. To expedite your request, please ensure that your notice complies with all the procedures set forth above.

 sydney, 2025

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